Sometimes all we have are metaphors

Pen to Paper
My mind explores
Playing with thoughts
Rearranging and exchanging words
It must be heard
The wisdom of a young peasant girl
She tends the fields
She weathers the storms
She nurtures the nourishment for the world
She prepares the meals
She sweeps the floors
She discerns to the conformity of the world
The laws of love
Her only code
Putting everyone and herself first
Because God is good
And her heart is gold
If not today
She knows tomorrow for sure
She rather stop to smell the flowers
And feed the poor
Take time to give hope
To lost and lonely souls
That’s where she gets it
Where she gets her glow
From absorbing the beauty
In the people,
And things along her road
From sharing her seeds
To anyone who lost their hope
A seed of faith
An act of kindness in the soil of Gods galore
Even if it’s her last
She knows where to go
To find some more
For she knows
God's love is a never ending
Abundant flow.
Stevie Kaye