I have a short story about this poem I want to share first.
It was my Junior and Senior year in High School, when I took Mr. Desepenao's creative writing classes. He was so passionate and emotionally charged that he made it impossible not to get into my teenage pain. After I wrote this poem, I was somewhat amazed by how much I loved it. I had a moment of self-realization that poetry was a part of me. I had always written my boyfriends silly long love poems, but they were rather cliche and also secretly written as a possible rap song I never took seriously. But this poem, it touched my heart at the young age of 16 or 17 and I started using poetry to help me when I was highly emotionally charged, didn't want to talk, couldn't cry, so I bled my heart onto the page. A lot of my poems are the shadow content hidden from deep within my psyche being extracted into art, to heal. It is rather intimidating to share these poems with the world but when God tells you something through a kind uber driver on a random beautiful day, you listen, even if it takes you 5 or 6 years to do it. God said through this man "baby those poems don't belong to you; they belong to us. You don't write all of that to hold on to it, you write it to let go of and share with us." And from that moment I knew I needed to share these poems whether 1 or a million people see it. The important thing is that I express my art simply because that is the final step of the healing process. It is also the way energy flows and emerges from the root chakra as it travels up to the heart through the throat chakra for creative expression. Creative expression is a sign of good health, so cheers to good health my folks. I love you.

The burst
of a broken heart
sets sail
her hopeless
Why would she
deny who she is
for who
she is supposed to be
out of fear of fracturing
a thought
for which only
eyes can see