Healing Methods
Chakra System
The word Chakra in Sanskrit translates to the word “wheel”. Chakras are used to describe the wheels of energy associated with our subtle body and energy field. Chakras are energy vortex centers in our body that are in constant interplay with the Universal energy of Creation, acting as bridges from the spiritual to the material. Spirit dives in through the chakra, life radiates out from the chakra. Universal energy is neutral until it is shaped through our mental and emotional processes: the expression of our thoughts, speech, and actions, empowered by the undercurrents of our emotions. Chakras act as the transfer points of our thoughts, emotions, and the physical functioning of specific organs and endocrine glands. Chakras also represent and regulate the activity and metabolism of our vital organs and glands. Our vital glands and organs can be seen as individual physical energy

centers. Each organ is associated with one of the seven chakras emitting the different levels of our human experience through energy in motion, emotion. Ex: The root chakra rules and regulates the adrenal glands which regulates chemicals like cortisol during flight or fight moments when we experience fear from a place of survival. People who are stressed from working too hard, out of fear to provide basic needs for survival, have root chakras that are sluggish or blocked. The fight or flight expressed from the fear to survive causes stress on the adrenal glands ultimately impacting the root chakra's energy flow and connection.

Lymphatic System
Vital energy known as prana/chi circulates in the body through the nervous system, the circulatory system, and the nadis/meridians. The circulatory system has two aspects: the blood circulatory system and the lymphatic system. Blood moves through the body in the closed vessels of arteries and veins, while lymph fluid moves in the open vessels of the lymphatic system. Blood is regulated by the pumping of the heart while lymph movement is mainly due to muscle activity. A sedentary lifestyle can impact our lymphatic flow as well as emotional blockages and stress. The energy associated with the sacral chakra is called vyana vayu, which controls fluid circulation in the body. The sacral chakra is our emotional center associated with the water element. This element refers to and represents all the fluids in the body including lymph fluid. This means that the sacral chakra influences the lymphatic flow through our emotions. Lymph is the fluid between cells. This fluid graces every part of our bodies like the waters of mother earth. Our arterial blood carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones for all the cells in the body. To reach the cells at the extremities, lymph leaves the small arteries and flows into the tissues, filling the space between cells. This fluid delivers its nutrients to the cells then leaves the cells, taking toxins and waste with it. The lymphatic system's main responsibilities: 1. carrying nutrients and waste products from interstitial spaces between the cells 2. aiding the immune system by removing and destroying waste, debris, dead blood cells, pathogens, toxins, and cancer cells 3. absorbing fat and fat-soluble vitamins for the digestive system and delivering these nutrients to the cells of the body.

Massage therapy is a powerful healing tool of touch and pressure. Being able to touch and apply deep intentional pressure creates movement where there is stagnation in the body. Our pain, stress, trauma, and heavy emotions get stored in the tissues of our muscles and our vital glands and organs causing tension, immobility, illness, and disease. Until we address the underlying emotional experience behind our tension and begin to change our behaviors around our emotional triggers, our body will continue to store pain and silently suffer. One way to address our emotional body and trauma is through a lymphatic massage. Massaging the entire body front and back while focusing on the lymphatic system allows for the breakup of any physical and or energetic blockages stored in the body. Removing blockages gives an opportunity for each person to simply feel good in their body and remember what it is like to be at peace in homeostasis, where the body heals itself with its own breath. Being able to feel good in the body will inspire each person to heal so they can continue to feel good and simply be happy. Since the lymph fluid covers every vital gland, organ, muscle, vein, bone, and tissue, this practice can help heal the body as an entire energy system, not just the muscles. Everything in the body is energetically connected and synergistically working together to express your human experience through our thoughts and emotions. If our body is vibrating at a low frequency due to tension and disease, our mind and emotions will also express from a low frequency. Cleansing and charging people's emotional body has been a powerful healing experience that has inspired many people to face their fears, heal on a spiritual level, and make the choice to honor their health.
Lymphatic Chakra Healing Massage

Healing Hands
Dr John Zimmerman conducted a study to measure the vibrations emitted from holistic practitioner's hands and recorded a healing frequency that provides concrete evidence in the power of holistic practitioner's touch. It has taken some time for western medicine to recognize the power of reiki medicine and other forms of energetic healing from the hands of holistic practitioners. With modern day technology, the wisdom of sacred ancient practices are making their way to modern medicine. Although this sounds like a new discovery, the power of healing touch has been around for thousands of years. Yeshua, Jesus, is one of the most widely known healers who was described with the ability to heal with the touch of his hands. His life gives us guidance on what we can do as individual expressions of God with our raw human potential. Having this gift of healing power running through my heart chakra (anahata) and into my hands has been a humbling journey that takes focus, devotion, and will power that I am honored to devote my life to.
Assisted Meditation into Homeostasis
If I can do anything for those I work with, it is to remind them and their body of their own natural ability to heal within themselves. Many sacred ancient teachings from spiritually based cultures understood that the body holds the ability to heal itself when given the space to do so. The body can access its own medicine through many different holistic modalities: meditation, sound therapy, treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic work, and massage therapy, along with many other forms of plant medicines, breath work, and movement. The wisdom behind holistic medicine has been politically suppressed for decades and has finally made its way to the mainstream consciousness again. There are emerging brilliant health practitioners leading the way for holistic medicine practices to regain the respect it deserves from Western Medicine and to be more available to the public.

This image is from the book Becoming Supernatural where it shows the visual presence of the chakras, known as energy centers by Dr Joe D, and their changes in size and alignment after a medication he calls blessings of the energy centers. WHOOP there it is!
Dr Joe Dispenza is one of those brilliant minds of our time whose work has helped the simple yet powerful tool of meditation to hold great weight in the field of medicine. Dr Joe travels the world to teach the same wisdom I use in my practice when he is guiding groups through meditation for radical healing and mystical experiences. Dr Joe Dispenza and his group of researchers have used innovative ways in providing measurable and quantifiable data and imaging that bridges the gap between science and the wisdom behind holistic medicine from our ancient spiritual teachers. When I read his book Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon it was as if it was written specifically to give to my clients to help them understand from modern science what the ancient teachings have told us since the beginning of time and to be able to learn more about the chakras through Western terminology.
This kind of information’s availability and evidence is "new" and brings great support to the work I do and the work of many other Holistic, Spiritual, and Metaphysically based practitioners. The ancient wise ones knew that the power to heal was within and that the only one that has the power to heal is thyself, but it wasn’t until science confirmed that notion did it make its way back into our collective consciousness. This notion that we have the power to heal ourselves is so fundamentally important to the understanding of health and how to be healthy because it puts the responsibility and power to heal back into the individual. In Western Medicine the responsibility and power to heal is in the hands of the doctors when it needs to remain in the hands of the individual. It is up to the individual to feel, see, think, and know for oneself and to make the decisions based on their own innate wisdom to take care of their health.

The work I do, and the work Joe does is to simply bring that power back into the individual by holding space with healing experiences to create homeostasis within the body. Joe does this through his own methods of meditation and has incredible results while my work is more hands-on, literally. I take clients through a guided meditation to activate each chakra while working to break up stagnate energy in the muscles to be released and processed through the body for transmutation or elimination. Being able to help people relax, take deep purposeful breaths, use the power of their imagination, and simply feel good in their body is something most people don't have space, time, or the thought to do. Holding space in absolute faith while assisting people into the remembrance of their body's innate ability to heal itself and awaken deeper in their truth has made for a truly healing experience that transcends past our time together.
As a person who seeks the most efficient organic solutions in healing, I find my humble stumble into Metaphysical and Holistic healing comically and synchronistically divine after walking away from Western Medicine and Clinical Psychology for destroying my health at the young age of 22. I studied psychology because within my heart I have a natural affinity to simply help people feel good so they can be great at who they are and be the magic the world needs them to be. Instead of asking people to sit in a chair and tell me their story, they lay on my table and let their body tell their story for them, letting their mind and body go, slipping into the sweet abyss to heal with the divine love we are all created from.
This image is from the book Becoming Supernatural where it shows the visual presence of the electromagnetic field that exists outside the physical body and shows that we are energetic beings that emit information as energy beyond what the eyes can see. BOOM Chakra Lacka!!
Energy is Everything, Everything is Energy
Energy is Everything, Everything is energy is poetic and beautiful because it is the truth. We are finally back to a point in human consciousness where we understand we are more than our physical bodies; we are energetic beings expressing emotion in every breath. Energy in motion is emotion and this a simple understanding that would serve our health with some miraculous good.
When I work with people I see and feel their body, thoughts, and emotions, as their energetic state of being and expression. I can feel the undercurrents of their emotions in their voice, their body language, and their presence. The emotions people are feeling are being expressed from their body as subtle energy and interacts with the energy around them. I am able to comprehensively sense and assess the body as an energetic expression with my hands and intuition for a truly healing experience. As I go through the body with my hands and find tension, I know it to be stored emotion that was a stressful, hurtful, painful, or traumatic experience that was never properly processed. The area of the body that holds tension and the chakra associated with that area of the body gives me an archetype of energy to work with and the ability to ask questions from for insight and resolution that only the individual holds for themselves, I'm just there to help them dissipate it. We store the emotions from different experiences in different places of our bodies that my hands and intuition can read into. Once we can bring awareness to the emotion causing tension, we can begin to understand the series of decisions that led to a physical manifestation to occur to a point of inhibiting one's health, strength, or mobility. This is a powerful tool of realization for people to have around their health and can hopefully bring confidence to their ability to heal themselves through their own innate wisdom and begin to make choices that elevate their energetic state of being.
