When I first learned about the chakra system in 2015 there was very little information available to provide the evidence needed to bring validity to this sacred ancient wisdom in modern western medicine. Today there is now more and more scientific based evidence around the existence of the chakra system in the body, the relationship it has to our health, and why understanding this system is important as we continue to evolve the health care system for the next generations to come. This page is dedicated to the evidence-based scientific information around the work I offer. It is also a way to extend my passions to share information to further strengthen people's basic understanding of how the body works as a physical expression and how it works as an energy system.
Books to Read

Dr Ravi Ratan and Dr Minoo Ratan are a power couple who have their own Ayurvedic medicine practice in India. I have had the opportunity to learn from Dr Ravi and his practice firsthand with this book being the foundation of my understanding of the chakra system and how it manifests in the body physically. This book gives an in depth look at the chakra system on a spiritual and physical level from the Ratan's collection of research and cultural wisdom. Having a basic understanding of how the chakra system works is important in the understanding of our health. Each chakra expresses a different level of energy in the way we experience life. Energy in motion is emotion. Each chakra rules different levels of emotions we express through different sense of experiences. Each chakra regulates the function of different vital glands and organs that also associate with these different levels of energy expression. Each chakra holds vital information and feedback about the state of health with each level of life expression. In psychology, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a fundamental guiding pyramid in the basic understanding of human development and expresses a similar structure to the chakra system that most of us are familiar with. What most are not familiar with is looking at the body from an energetic perspective which is why so many people are trapped in chronic diseases that doctors don't have cures for. Having a basic understanding of your body and health from an energetic and emotional perspective will transcend your healing to you being your own cure.
Dr. Joe Dispenza and his team of researchers have done some groundbreaking work that provides measurable evidence around being able to help people recover from chronic health issues through specific meditation practices. I see his work as the culmination of wisdom from many ancient texts empowered by modern-day technology to provide the information we need as a collective to move forward and evolve in harmony with ourselves, nature, and the cosmos. In his book "Becoming Supernatural" he provides some important evidence-based information that further supports how powerful the work I offer for those on a healing journey. The work I provide has been created from nature's laws in spiritual and metaphysical wisdom science has just begun to demonstrate through imaging and measurable quantifiable data.

Videos to Watch
One of my favorite forms of free medicine is grounding. Every morning I start my day with my feet on Mother Earth, no matter how cold it is. If there is snow on the ground, I will hold the trunk of the tree with my hands to absorb the negative ions our Beloved Mother provides. Any amount of time will change the body's biochemistry but the longer the better. I do between 5-10 minutes when I first wake up and then 30 minutes after my meditation before I exercise. This is the most powerful tool besides the sun we can use to care for our health.
Understanding our body's electromagnetic field is not only fascinating, but it also unlocks the innate wisdom our minds and bodies are craving to be reunited with. Knowing how the body works as an electromagnetic field will create a deeper sense of self awareness for people to discover who they are beyond their physical body. Seeing the miracle that we are is inspiring and awakens a deeper sense of who we are if we allow ourselves to be open to new information and experiences. Afterall, isn't healing just growing? And isn't growing just learning something you didn't know before?
I am very passionate about sharing information to people around the harmful impacts EMF's have on our health. Dr Devra Davis is leading the fight to spread information and awareness about the harmful impact our portable devices have on our health. Her evidence is solid and sound, her conviction is moving, and the path she is taking is inspiring to me. This video is disturbing but a video every person needs to watch to understand what is happening to their energy on a daily basis. Although her findings are inconvenient, it is an inconvenient truth we need to take a deer look into if we are on a healing path.
In the Muslim tradition they call their health issues their friends because when you take good care of your friends, they take good care of you. But if you don't take care of your friends, they become your enemies. Such a simple yet profound way to look at our health issues. For the last 13 years I have been working to completely repair my gut health from the damages of pharmaceuticals. Come to find out, years and years later, the Adderall and Ambien I was taking on an empty stomach as a full time in season college athlete, caused leaky gut to develop within less than a month. Since then, I have dedicated my life to healing. I am so grateful for all that has transpired because my gut has become such an incredible friend of health. More and more people are struggling with gut health issues because they see their pain as the enemy and not a new friend here to teach them about optimal health and wellbeing. This video does a great job explaining how to take good care of our friend the gut.