Stevie Kaye
A Divine Passion fueled by Experience Awareness & Intuition

I am Stevie Kaye, a wounded healer, body worker, artist, poet, coach, trainer, thinker, caretaker, creator, researcher, storyteller, and inspiring alchemist, martial artist, astrologer, and devoted yogi within the next decade. With all that I have learned through my direct experience on this ever-going healing journey, I have created a practice to be of spiritual healing service to the world. I have ditched the road commonly taken into Clinical Psychology and dove straight into the deep blue sea of spirituality after I got my bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts & Psychology. I created this practice with mystical guidance from sacred ancient wisdom of my favorite spiritual traditions, the new scientific discoveries around metaphysical & holistic healing, the physical manifestation of our body's chakra system, the powerful language of Astrology’s poetic symbolism and its archetypes of universal energy signatures, and good ole fashion biology. Sacred spiritual traditions describe me as a wounded healer. Scientific discovery and the fundamentals of quantum physics validates my focus in metaphysical and holistic healing over clinical psychology; providing evidence on the ability to heal wounded energy through working with the manifestation of our spirit’s chakra system in the physical body and lymphatic system. My birth chart shows a strong emphasis on my hands to be of healing service to wounded athletes through massage therapy while also putting a strong emphasis on my career and soul purpose to help improve the overall conditions in society through the healing arts.

Tao Te Ching: 33
"Knowing others is intelligence,
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power...
If you realize that you have enough,
you are truly rich.
If you stay in the center
and embrace death with
your whole heart,
you will endure forever".
It is my divine honor to extend my healing hands and voice in service to your
healing journey back to the divine love we are all created from.
With Divine Love,
Stevie Kaye